Here is Fiona playing with Dada and the empty laundry baskets. She was in rare form this evening. We were so busy that day that neither her nor I changed in to clothes suitable for leaving the house. We just hung out in our pj's all day. This particular evening was a perfect example of why kids don't need as many toys as they have. They enjoy using their imaginations. I had just put up two loads of laundry when she walked over to the stacked baskets and wanted to get in. Dad picked her up, sat her in and zoomed her around the house until he was breathless and she was laughing hysterically.
She found the hat in a drawer in the kitchen that is reserved specifically for the munchkins stuff. Whenever she drags something in to the kitchen and leaves it, I throw it in the bottom drawer. This time, she found her pink corduroy hat and a couple of puzzle pieces in there. The puzzle pieces were the square and circle from the wooden Melissa and Doug shape puzzle. She took turns with each shape, sticking them in her mouth and walking around. After a while, Kris and I decided that she was using them in place of her binky (which doesn't come out of her room or the car these days). They have the big knobs on them and she was sucking away! Silly girl.On a completely different note, I am so excited for American Idol tonight. I am pathetic, but that show just sucks me in every time. I really like that there are so many different emotions tied to the show. You can be so happy for people who are getting a chance at their dreams and then laugh like crazy at the side show freaks! I don't normally watch many shows religiously....None actually. I used to watch Jeopardy every night and over the years have been a big ER and X-Files fan. I also really enjoy Arrested Development. However, last night and the night before I spent watching the 24 season premiere and it was so INTENSE that I managed to get through about 3 of the 4 hours of the premiere. It is a great show, but I feel like I am going to have a heart attack most of the way through it. Now I feel like every Monday and Tuesday I will be glued to the television between the two of them.....Damn FOX!!!
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