New Year, Old Issues

Each year, I make a New Year's Resolution. Usually it has to do with exercising more, as this year's does. My goal for this year is to do yoga three times a week. That seems like a reasonable goal, right? Yoga is such rewarding exercise for both the mind and body and I can see good results after only about three sessions, so it seems like it would be a no-brainer.
However, I am already off to a bad start. It seems that I can't find a good time to do it. I would do it before Fiona gets up, but she wakes up between 5:00 and 6:30 am on average and let me just say that I am not quite that ambitious. Naptimes would seem to be another prime candidate if I weren't already trying to cram in a shower, checking my emails, paying bills, cleaning, laundry, sewing baby slings and blankets, working on my business website and sometimes dinner prep (if I am lucky enough to get a break that time of day.) Thank God Christmas is over, because I was also having to shop during that time or get everything ready and in the car to go out shopping when she would wake. By evenings(actually, at straight up 5:00 pm, as my husband would add in) I am ready for a glass of wine and ready for some relaxation which usually adds up to more work either around the house or business related.
Even if I wanted to do yoga before bed, is it really acceptable to do yoga after having a glass of wine. I feel weird about that. Such are the dilemmas of life, I suppose. It is all about prioritizing, which I seem to have issues with. I am a worker, always have been. My dad is a worker and so is my mom. We are all a little neurotic and obsessive about things being perfect. Perfectionism is a double-edged sword.
I start to think back to my single days. What did I do with all of my time? Before a full time job or a significant other.....I used to sit at the bagel shop and read while smoking cigarettes for hours on end. I would go to The Deli to do homework at 3:30 in the afternoon so that I could discuss whatever assignment with BBQ Bob, my very over-qualified bartender and friend. I would craft, garden, hang out with friends, nothing of great importance in the over all scheme of things, but I enjoyed life. I still enjoy life, but in a very different way.
I view time the same way I do money. The more you have, the more you spend. The less you have, the better you are able to budget what you have.
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