Fiona is a punk rocker, fiona is................

This is the love of my life....Fiona Isabella Kanaly. She just turned one on December 20th. I have no idea where the past year has gone, but I do know that it has been a crazy, wild ride. She is the happiest little thing ever....Always smiling and giving kisses. We just got back from Oklahoma City where my husband, Kris, and I are originally from. We were there for 11 days. It was too long and too short at the same time.
I love Portland for all of the wonderful things that it has to offer, but Oklahoma is where our roots lie. Family is such an important part of life and I think it takes moving 2000 miles away from them for that to truly sink in, at least for me. Our current plan is to move closer to them come Spring. We are looking to move to Tulsa, which has more to offer from a cultural standpoint than OKC. I am excited at the thought of being near friends and family but saddened by losing Portland. We live in the best neighborhood and our location affords us the ability to walk everywhere, which is drastically different from Oklahoma. If you are afoot in Oklahoma, people think you are poor or your car must have broken down. I mean, why would you voluntarily walk, right? Another thing about Portland, or Multnomah County, rather, that impresses me is that for the third year in a row, it has the highest circulation of any public library system in the nation, checking out 19.4 million books per year. That equals out to 28 books for every man, women and child in the county. No wonder it is such a progressive city/county. I wonder what the stats are for Oklahoma County. I doubt they come anywhere near those of PDX. I will have to check in to that......................
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