First Snow

We also celebrated Christmas with my mother, step-father, brother, sister and soon to be brother-in-law later that morning. They live in Texas and we have so many families that we had to do Christmas three different days. As we opened presents in front of a huge picture window, huge flakes were coming down. It was one of those warm fuzzy moments, at least for me. I can't even remember a Christmas in my lifetime that it snowed on or around Christmas. Of course, it was 73 degrees with 40 mile an hour wind two days later, but that is the great plains for you.
My sister gave her the outfit she is wearing for Christmas. It totally rocks. It is a camouflage hooded sweatshirt with pants to match. Aunt Somer put Fiona's name across the back in Vato (Calligraphy) letters with rhinestones. there is a gold beveled star on one cuff and a rhinestoned cross on the front chest area. The pockets are trimmed in rhinestones and there a couple red hearts in various areas, as well. I think it is my favorite present...And it wasn't even to me!
I am so glad our generation has gotten beyond the whole baby blue and powder pink for babies. What a drag to have to look at those colors day in and day out. Funny enough, older people mistake her for a boy all the time when she is not dressed in pink, even if she has on striped tights or a red skirt.
That is why I view the baby slings I make as an extension of MY wardrobe, not another indicator of my child's gender. For crying out loud, enough with the blue teddy bears and crap! Seriously, how many of you mom's out there want to wear a jacket covered in blue teddy bears or trucks? So, why would you wear a sling covered in them? Sorry, that drives me mad. I am more than my toddler.
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