Toddler Behavior

A friend of mine, Terrie, just started a new job today and I agreed to watch her daughter, Ella, while she is in the office for 10 hours a week. Ella and Fiona are three days apart, both on the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp. Fi being the Sag (12/20) and Ella being the Capricorn (12/23). I have only had the two of them by myself one other time, before either of them were walking and it was a little difficult then, but Ella is now full on walking and Fiona is cruising along in that direction, so it was an all new dynamic. I find it fascinating how babies so close in age can be so similar yet so totally different. Fiona is a very good natured baby, so happy most of the time, but intense. She is a lot like her mother, I must admit. Lat night while I was cooking a big Indian dinner, she played by herself in the kitchen. She has a ton of magnets on the fridge. She took a handful of them off and placed them in my mixing bowls that were on the wire rack next to the fridge. Then she moved them all to the large glass measuring cup on another shelf... then back... and back again....Over and over for about 20 minutes as I watched in amazement. I am self-diagnosed OCD and I am going to go ahead and diagnose her after that episode. Ella, on the other hand is so chill. She takes one toy out and plays quietly for a while, then maybe goes back for another 30 minutes later. You hardly even know she is there. I am excited about taking care of her because I think it is great for each of them to have social interaction with another little one their own age. They can push each other developmentally, which will be nice.
Aside from that, Kris and I are just plugging away at our websites and trying to address all of the repairs we need to do on our home before selling it. Though they are few in number, it is still very hard to find the time to paint, landscape and fix things up. On that note, I must go paint!
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