Friday, January 13, 2006

Somer's Wedding Date

My little sister, Somer, and her fiance, Gary, have set a date for their wedding. Mom called two days ago to see if Fiona could be a flower girl on December 9th. That sounds like trouble to me, but I am sure she will be adorable. I can just see her shoving flowers in her mouth as she walks down the isle, visiting all of the people in the rows along the way. This is a picture of them that I took at Fi's birthday party. He is very sweet and a welcome addition to the family. I know he will treat her like she deserves to be treated. He has a good ol' boy feel and is one of the few remaining men out there with an ounce of chivalry which is always a plus.

Right after the wedding, the whole family is going to Montana for Christmas. My Aunt Carol and Uncle Larry who live in Tacoma, WA have a house in the mountains and they have rented another house on their street for the week, so all of my aunts, uncles, cousins from Oklahoma will be there. I cannot wait. It will be a lot of fun. We can walk across the street from the houses to the best cross country skiing in the nation, so I really want to give that a whirl. I have never been downhill skiing because of my knees....I am still "sitting on that". I would hate to have to have knee surgery #3.

It will be a nice break from the usual shuffle. I look forward to cooking big meals, maybe doing some knitting and just enjoying my family. Hopefully it will be better than our Opryland Christmas in Nashville...Good god!


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