How sweet it is............

I took this picture last Monday. I cannot believe how cute she looks, like such a little girl. Every month or so, there is that one picture that really catches you off guard. This would be that one. I looked at it in the car as we sat at a stop light on our way to pick up Dada from work on Friday and thought "oh my god when did her hair get that long?" I also thought how she looked just like Shelby, Kris's youngest sister. I just want to eat her up. Speaking of, that is her new thing...eating us up. If we are lying down, she walks over like a drunken sailor, belly flopping on to our face as though she plans on suffocating us and as she distracts us with her shrilling scream she leans over and bites on the forehead and Kris on the nose. I am not sure why there is a different preferred place on each of. It is naughty actually, the biting thing, but the way she goes about it is so funny that you are usually laughing while trying to tell her "no" which I am sure is pretty ineffective.
I have been teaching her where her belly button and nose are so she loves to see people's bellies....and she keeps trying to touch Ella's nose while she is over, which makes me crazy because I feel like I have to hover over the two of them sometimes so that she doesn't accidentally fall and poke her in the eye.
I worked on the basement all day today. It almost looks like a bigger mess than I started with but I know I had to have made some progress. What a big job! It was so dirty that I went to Home Depot this morning and picked up a 12 gallon shop vac and one of those 39 compartment organizers for all of the screws, nails, washers and miscellaneous junk that was stretched from one end to the other on the work bench. I finally know where all of the drill bits are! The shop vac ROCKS! I love it. I can tell we will be very good friends. I can't wait until we have a rain-less day so that I can give it a try on the cars interior. We have had a stomach bug for the past 24 hours and I am ready to crash so off to bed I go.................
What a cutie patootie!
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