The Unfortunate and the Ungrateful
This was Fiona's first trip to the beach. She was 7 months old. We went to Seaside, Oregon with Gege and Papa, Kris's parents. It was a lot of fun. Fi ate sand, of course.....And loved it. Lucy went too and she ran circles in the sand, herding every man, woman, child and animal in sight.
I was looking at a website last night and got sidetracked and again got sidetracked and ended up on some unknown blog. As I was scrolling down I read a headline about some woman who left her baby in the car while she went to a Jerry Springer show. After I was done on the computer, I turned on the news to a story about a father who killed his two month old daughter, followed by a story about parents who kept their 12 and 16 year old kids locked in a bathroom for three years and how they appeared half their age. I was becoming more sick to my stomach by the moment.
What is up with that? Hasn't anyone heard of adoption or abortion? I am not an advocate of the latter, but for crying out loud, I would rather see a spirit set free from the body before it is given a chance to be put on earth than see a child suffer from abuse and then set free from the material world. Why on earth do you keep a child that you obviously don't love and how is that even possible to not love your child???? I can't imagine life without Fiona, but in the days when a child seemed less appealing, I would never have behaved that way!
So then I started thinking about all of the cracked out moms using babies as a means to get more money from the system and how those children suffer. Meanwhile, there are all of these parents out there who want, more than anything in the world to have a baby of their own and they can't get pregnant. What injustice. These are the kinds of things that make me question "God" and his/her role in the universe. What kind of god would create such an unbalanced world? It doesn't make sense and it breaks my heart in to a million pieces. There is something about having a child of your own and then seeing these stories on the news. It is heart wrenching to watch. I constantly think about how horrible it would be for my child to suffer from whatever it is that the children on the news are going through. I can barely get through a day without crying from one story or another that i hear on the tele or net.
Also, I am starting to think that there is a direct link to the amount of violence that happens in the world and the increase in violence on television and in the theaters. If you are a sicko to begin with and you go to see a psychological thriller about a serial killer, like say "Seven" does it inspire you to do something even crazier than you had in your mind on the first place. I dunno, but i suspect that the far-fetched scenarios that play out on prime time, nightly, don't do anything other than help the weirdest reach a new weird. Enough about that. It makes me sick and that is that!
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