Murphy's law says that if you take the time to fix yourself up (shower, put on makeup, etc) 95% of the time before you leave the house, you will not run in to anyone you know or care to meet. It is the other 5% percent of the time, when you look your worst or are sick that you will run in to every person you know. I swear this is true. I feel like total crap, Fi is sick and we look the part today. I, intentionally took side streets to the movie store and got in and out of the grocery store as fast as possible. We ran in to six people we knew in 20 minutes. Fi is feeling better. She still has a fever and runny nose but is breathing a LITTLE easier. She wasn't near as clingy as yesterday, but just as cranky! I, however, feel kind of yucky. I have been drinking C-filled smoothies right along side Fi, trying to make sure that I stay well, but I have had more than one snotty kisses today, so i am not holding my breath.
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