
Today, I went to New Season's. My favorite grocery store, and purchased something called gDiapers. It is kind of like a new option in diapering. Of course, there is cloth, which is what my mom did and I would love to do, provided our washer were capable of handling it and my patience level were higher...Then there is disposable. I feel guilty every time I put a diaper on Fi, knowing that this thing that I am throwing in the trash will be around probably 6 or 7 times as long as I will, approximately 500 years....Like we don't have enough to worry about. This third option, the gdiaper, is a cotton diaper cover with a plastic snap in liner. There is a cotton flushable liner that gets inserted in to the plastic liner to catch the "business." It is very cool!
I bought a starter kit which consists of two cloth diaper covers (in pairs of green and blue or orange and red,) four plastic liners and 10 flushable cotton liners. I got it on sale for 21.00. I think that is reasonable. You can purchase all of this online if you do not live on the west coast. I hope that it gets to the middle of the country faster than I do, but I don't think that is possible, seeing as how I will be there in three days!
It is your obligation as someone who cares about your children and the future generations to look in to this excellent idea, so please take the time to do so and spread the word!
I have two days left to pack so I am freaking out and have to get some rest. Kris is at the Matisyahu show trying to talk to someone in the merch booth about doing a free poster for them to support that cause. If you haven't listened to Matisyahu, check him out at It is very cool with a strong positive message, which is why we want to back it! There are a couple of videos that you can watch, one for "youth" and one for "king without a crown," both excellent, so check check check check it out!