
Today as I finished yoga, lying on the floor in relaxation pose, I almost fell asleep. I always come close to falling asleep. This time, though, I had this crazy flash back to child birth. My birthing instructor had us end every class with relaxation techniques that were to enable us to get through the pain of the contractions. She had told us that moms from her previous classes were even able to fall asleep between contractions right up the birth. I found this absurd. However when it came down to it, as I was 9 cm dilated with Fiona, sitting in a bath tub of warm water I was able to push myself in to fairly deep levels of relaxation. I never came close to sleeping, at least that I remember. I actually asked if it was too late for an epidural which wasn't really a rhetorical question. But the next morning, the nurse that was with me came in and told me that she had never seen anyone look so relaxed and peaceful while giving birth. I took it as a compliment and in turn said "well, I am glad I got to experience it but next time I am getting an epidural." I didn't really mean it. I was more than happy to feel birth. The 40 weeks of pregnancy were way more difficult for me. All good things come with a price tag. Whether it means sacrificing your body, pain, pride, whatever. The end result is all that matters.
interesting concept ...
"All good things come with a price tag. Whether it means sacrificing your body, pain, [PRIDE], whatever. The end result is all that matters."
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