Last day of school

Fiona had her last day of Mom's Day Out for the Summer session on Thursday. I am very sad about this. I have been sewing like mad while she is there and now I will have no uninterrupted crafting for five weeks. So, when I went to pick her up, Miss Rachael said "she is a biter." Apparently, my sweet little angel decided to bite (out of anger) two different children that day. This isn't that big of a surprise to me seeing as how she has been testing her limits with Kristopher and I for months now. I suppose it was only a matter of time. I asked the teacher if she had any suggestions on how to handle that. her reply was "You probably don't want to ask me. I don't read books. In my house if someone bites me, I bite them back. If my oldest pushes down one of the younger two, my husband goes over and pushes him down." Hmmm, I thought. It seems a little Hanibalistic to me, but I am also a "compassionate" so therein may l lie my problem. I can't honestly grasp the concept of punishing a child by hurting them to show them that hurting someone else is wrong. It is like that bumper sticker...Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong ( I am not sure if that is the actual verbage, but i used to have that when I was younger). Regardless, it seems silly to me. Discipline is a tricky thing. Trying to be 100% coinsistent, on the same page as your partner, and not screw up your child is a fine line that is very hard to walk. Hopefully it gets easier, but I doubt it. Anyway, if anyone reads this and has a suggestion, PLEASE leave it!
Hey Michelle-
Just noticed this on the Willamette Week's It List and thought of you.
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