And four months later...............

So much has happened since I last posted. We moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, bought a new house, Fi started Mother's Day Out, we bought a Subaru Outback Wagon which I love, Kris started freelancing, and a million other things. All in all, it is good to be back in the midwest/south, whatever you want to consider Oklahoma. I definitely missed the kindness of most of the people here. I didn't, however, miss the stupidity level of the redneck population. Geez...where do these people come from and can we please use them as poster children to get some more money for our education system. I think this state is ranked about 49th in education. Go figure. I won't get started on that right now. I am so tired. Fi has pneumonia and we are all a bit exhausted so I am going to call it a night and hop in to bed.
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