Sunday, October 15, 2006


We took Fiona to the Tulsa Zoo a few weekends ago and she, of course, loved it. It was only her third trip to the zoo....Pretty pathetic on my part, but it is half an hour away and we can't ever stay for long, so the pay off isn't always enough to make the trip. One more reason to leave Tulsa. That comment is for you, Scott. =) We had to pull Fi from the petting zoo. That was by far her favorite part. It is much nicer than the OKC petting (if you can consider sticking your hand over a 4'0" chain link fence petting) zoo.

Things are hectic around the Kanaly house. All the usual, work, work, chores and work. I don't want to be an adult anymore, unless I am a retired adult. I need a genie. Does anyone have one they can loan me? Fiona wants to be potty trained. I just can't find time to read the 300 page book that accompanies this phase so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Kris said the other night "oh, yeah, she's potty trained, but still on the boob." Hey what can I say? I didn't know there was a particular order I had to go in. I do what I can.

I am off for an adult night (or the rest of what is left of it) with my husband. It will more than likely be spent making lists of groceries and things to accomplish this week, though. Like I said, I am done with this adult crap.


Blogger baby lawnmower said...

Potty-trained and still on the boob doesn't sound like such a bad combination to me - I mean, she's not even two yet, and the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for up to two years and beyond!

11/21/2006 9:09 AM  

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