Missing Portland

So, it has been 6 months in Oklahoma now. I can't say that I am sure why we chose to come back here. The weather is miserable, well, at least the heat of Summer. We live in a great neighborhood but there is nothing to do...nowhere to walk. When you do walk, people assume it is b/c you are poor, not that I care, just making an observation of the typical okie mindset. I miss Hawthorne. I wish I was walking around enjoying the lovely September weather..visiting with my mommie friends and Fiona's play pals.....buying GOOD cold beer for christ sake. I feel as though I am living in the buckle of the bible belt and judging by the 50 foot praying hands up the street, I feel I must be right. For now, I will make the most of it but I cannot make any promises as to how long I will last.
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