The last three pics are of Fiona watching the Doodlebops. Kris and I don't particularly like this show, but Fiona loves it. She becomes so focused for this half hour, more so than with any other show or activity...very strange. The top two pics are Fi and Kris Saturday morning creating art in the backyard.
Lindsey and Ky, my sister-in-law and nephew, came over yesterday and the kids played in the yard. They had a great time running, jumping and pestering Lulu. Things are crazy busy around the house with all of the business stuff going on and Fi being on break from Mom's Day Out. We are trying to maintain.
This is a bit old. Kris, Fi and I had gone to the park because we heard from Chey that there was going to be "Art in the Park." We didn't see much art but had a good time nonetheless. Fi found a dog friend and danced while she listened to some musicians practicing under the pavillion. The whole family went on the swings together and then came back home.